Wellness Programs
There are a variety of Wellness Programs available which may be of interest to you based on your own personal circumstances. While most have been in effect for some time, there are a few plans that are new and are introduced below. As a registered member, you can log onto your benefits portal with your confidential user name and password to access all the programs available.
Sweat Equity Program
Members can earn up to $200 every six months, providing documentation confirming 50 visits in an eligible exercise program. The benefit is also available for dependents over age 13. The dependent benefit is $100.00. (select plans only)
Click here for more information.
Quit for Life!
This smoking cessation program offering online support, counseling, tobacco-free courses. There is no cost, and it is available for members and dependents. (select plans only)
Click here for more information.
Online coaching program promoting a healthier lifestyle. Online or with the mobile app, connect with a coach. Accept challenges and missions while earning coins to qualify for a reward. (select plans only)
Oxford members click here for more information.
UHC members click here for more information.
Peloton & UnitedHealthcare
Starting September 1, 2021, fully insured UnitedHealthcare members will have access to a 12-month Peloton Digital Membership or receive a 4-month waiver towards Peloton’s All-Access Membership, at no additional cost!
This plan is the first of its kind between Peloton and a major health insurance provider. Members will have access to Peloton’s thousands of live and on-demand classes in an effort to provide millions with the ability to improve their overall fitness and well-being. (select plans only)
Click here for more information.
For more information on PrestigePEO’s wellness programs, please reach out to our benefits team at 833-PEO-BEN1 or email oequestions@prestigepeo.com. You can also connect directly to your dedicated specialist via our PrestigeGO mobile app.