Tips for your DEI strategy in honor of Black History Month
In honor of Black History Month, the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee here at PrestigePEO wanted to bring you some helpful tips for celebrating individuals within your organization, this month, and every month. We hope by providing you with some of the celebratory actions we’re taking, we will inspire you to do the same at your workplace.
The most impactful way that we celebrate diversity at PrestigePEO is through our DEI Committee. This group of people is dedicated and passionate about change and the Committee was created to encourage collaboration across our organization and to motivate our clients to do the same.
Sharing information about different cultural holidays and celebrations is an incredible way to encourage and honor differences amongst your employees. The PrestigePEO DEI Committee sends digital newsletters with the holidays and their meanings every month. This is a great way to expose your team to new cultures without having them leave their desks, it gives those people who celebrate, a sense of inclusion.
Additionally, to support the DEI committee and provide regular access to tips, suggestions, and more, we have put together a Diversity Center on our website. This resource area is a dedicated space that serves our clients and the small business community as we work together to create organizational cultures that withstand the harsh reality of our divided world today. The Diversity Center features our company statement, which we are more than happy for you to mimic or use as an example when trying to create your own. It also has research and education, client tools and resources, podcasts, webinars, and blogs that all speak to the DEI cause.
A foundational element of creating a workplace of inclusion is understanding how your colleagues feel about where they work. Our DEI Committee surveys our employees on all topics related to diversity. These surveys are conducted anonymously and really get a pulse on how people feel in their roles. We encourage you as a business owner to survey your employees regularly as well. It is the only time they may feel like they can be honest, and it should encourage you to better build your DEI strategy in a way that best serves your employees. We have also put together a specific place for DEI that focuses on our company’s voice and thoughts. The Prestige Voice features content such as blogs around holidays like Martin Luther King Jr. Day, podcasts that encourage diversity, and so much more.
The most important tip we can give you is to create an environment where DEI thrives with training and support for everyone. Here at PrestigePEO, we provide regular training throughout our employees’ tenure. This includes a new hire webinar on DEI topics, leadership-centric training for people managers, and yearly training for all staff. And we receive the biggest support from our executive leadership team. Without them, we really would not be as established and successful as we are now.
Please feel free to utilize the above tips in your own workplace. Most importantly, remember your employees come from every background and experience which has already shaped them, and that is the best part about them. Encourage your employees to approach each situation with kindness and love, and to celebrate their peers and their differences, this month, and every month! We encourage the involvement of legal counsel when formalizing your diversity program and we are also happy to help guide you through any tough situations. Contact us to learn more at 866-521-5953.
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are the pillars to any successful business.
These principles offer an unmatched opportunity to expand the scope of a company’s trajectory with progressive change and an enhanced ability to overcome challenges. The inclusion of different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds is beyond valuable. These elements create space for expression and individuality for employees and expand opportunities into new market space for businesses. A company that values DEI not only extends itself to a greater audience but can also become a more competitive employer.