By Andrew Lubash
It’s crazy to have reached the final month of my tenure as NAPEO chair—and what a year it’s been! Just 12 months ago, many of us were finalizing plans for a very different kickoff to the new decade. Few could have imagined the circumstances we now find ourselves in, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to test the crisis preparedness of nearly every organization.
As challenging as this year has been, and as uncertain as the road ahead may seem, COVID-19 brings the PEO industry invaluable opportunities to truly analyze what works, what doesn’t, and what adjustments must be made to facilitate a successful transition into the next decade and beyond. The world sure looks different, but there are plenty of lessons learned through all this that can help us discover the most effective strategies to move our businesses forward.
Change is the Only Constant.
One of the biggest lessons of COVID-19, and this year in general, is that everything can change in an instant. It would be unwise for businesses to operate as if the adjustments we’re making as a society are temporary. Now is the time to prepare for a new normal, and that includes safeguarding our businesses against any potential future threats—including the outbreak of new diseases.
From managing payroll and staffing changes and keeping up with a constant flux of legislative developments, to helping our clients adjust to a new normal, the PEO industry at large has been at the forefront of this crisis from the start, supporting our clients through each wave of change. If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s that we can always expect more change.
We're Stronger Together.
With so much still up in the air about how things will progress or how long this pandemic will last, it’s easy to see why so many businesses are struggling to adjust all on their own. Within these past several months, I’ve witnessed firsthand the value the PEO industry provides to businesses of all sizes, and it’s clear that we’re always stronger together.
Another resounding lesson of COVID-19: Companies that work with PEOs are much stronger than those that go it alone. It’s difficult enough to manage the disruptions of COVID-19 on daily operations and core business functions. With the complexity of HR management and compliance issues thrown into the mix, it can get to be too much for any business. I’m exceptionally proud to be part of an industry that has been so instrumental in helping businesses through such a trying time.
Reflecting Back, and Looking Ahead.
It’s been a heck of a time to be NAPEO chair. I’ve gained so much during my tenure, and I hope I’ve served as a helpful resource to anyone I had the pleasure of interacting with during this past year. With so many phone calls day in and day out, it almost feels like I’ve been working for NAPEO this whole time! But I wouldn’t have had it any other way. While it’s been undoubtedly difficult, COVID-19 continues to reveal how much we have to offer—both as an industry and as individual experts in our fields—to small and mid-size businesses across the United States.
Thank you for an incredible year. Stay safe.

Andrew Lubash
2019-2020 NAPEO Chair
Founder & CEO
Prestige Employee Administrators
Melville, New York
Reproduced with permission of the National Association of Professional Employer Organizations